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“Common Mistakes When Buying A New Forklift”

Common Mistake 1: Not buying a forklift big enough for the job

Common Mistake 2: Not doing regular maintenance

Common Mistake 3: Not buying a forklift that will lift high enough

Common Mistake 4: Not investing in a forklift with a container mast

Common Mistake 5: Investing in a second hand forklift and losing money due to cost of ongoing repairs

Common Mistake 6: Not understanding your forklift is an extension of your business

Common Mistake 7: Not considering cost of breakdown as a cost of time and money

Common Mistake 8: Not understanding the diesel engines are high torque, low cost to run and low maintenance

Common Mistake 9: Not taking action and investing in a new forklift

Common Mistake 1: Not buying a forklift big enough for the job

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Common Mistake 2: Not doing regular maintenance

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Common Mistake 3: Not buying a forklift that will lift high enough

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Common Mistake 4: Not investing in a forklift with a container mast

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Common Mistake 5: Investing in a second hand forklift and losing money due to cost of ongoing repairs

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Common Mistake 6: Not understanding your forklift is an extension of your business

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Common Mistake 7: Not considering cost of breakdown as a cost of time and money

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Common Mistake 8: Not understanding the diesel engines are high torque, low cost to run and low maintenance

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Common Mistake 9: Not taking action and investing in a new forklift

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